- Parliament rises on Thursday. 国会星期四休会.
- He took ill on Thursday, and by Sunday he was dead. 他星期四突然生病,到星期天就死去了。
- See you on Thursday - we'll be able to discuss it thenceforth. 我们星期四见,到时就可以商量一下了。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- She is to take a day off on Thursday. 她准备星期四歇一天工。
- His leg muscle tense and he rises on his toes. 他的腿部肌肉收紧,脚趾发力。
- Lewis plans on finishing his work on Thursday. 路易斯预计星期四完成他的工作。
- Dick and I are to be married at Christ Church at noon on Thursday, the tenth. 和我订于本月10日星期四正午在基督教堂结婚。
- Leading share rises on the stock exchange. 主要股票在证券交易所的价格上扬。
- I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday, August lst. 我想在8月1日,周四飞往芝加哥。
- Vesicle often rises on the foot, what reason be? 脚上老是起小水泡,是什么原因?
- Mrs Williams: Yes, He was absent on Thursday. 威廉斯夫人:是的,他星期四没上学。
- A range of hills rose on their left. 连绵的小山耸立在他们的左侧。
- I went to the cinema to see a film on Thursday. 我星期四去看电影了。
- They reached London on Thursday. 他们星期四抵达伦敦。
- This laundry makes deliveries on Thursday. 这个洗衣店星期四送衣服。
- To rise on the hind legs, as a horse. 直立用后腿,诸如马,立起来
- Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday. 伍德先生星期四整天都很忙。
- To rise on the hind legs,as a horse. 直立用后腿,诸如马,立起来
- Leading share rise on the stock exchange. 主要股票在证券交易所的价格上扬。